domingo, 14 de octubre de 2012

Session 8 / Behaviorism, Conductivism, Constructivism and Instructional Theory

Behavioriosm says that mindis like a black box, learning is regular and expected to responses, instructions are  repetitions, to reinforce and for make a better practice.

Cognitivism says that mind is like a computer, learning is a recall of stored information ( storage = long term memory), instructions is grab the information and help storage.

Constructivism says that mind is a rhizome which are interconected nodes, learning is building knowledge by doing and instructions is  guiding problem - solving.

Each of these perspectives help us to develop theories, these are two, the first one is the descriptive (what is learning) which attemp to describe learning and the second one is the prescritive theory where the outcome of this is a instructional theory to make foster learning.

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