domingo, 14 de octubre de 2012

Session 9


1.- What's the meaning of the phrase "teaching must condition learnes"?
Teacher must condition learners in order to reinforce behavior and learning styles.

2.- Why do you think teachers must present the objectives of the class at the beginning of any activity? 

Because learners only response to the previous stimulus, meaning that first they need to get a clear idea of the activity based on the teacher example and then they can start the activity given.

3.- Why do you think teachers must provide a challenging fearless enviroment? Refer to challenge and fear.
Learners must be inmersed in a challenging  fearless enviroment to prove their skills and abilities also with the "fear" of the enviroment the can built their own personality and character to face new challenges and pursuade their goals. 

4.- According to the video, in the constructivistic and congnitivism approach, information is moved to long term memory. What's the difference between the two approaches in this process? 
Cognitivism: Store information in Long term memory in response to behaviorism.
Constructivism: The knowledge is built by doing. 

a)Teacher's role: Teacher must reinforce interactions and knowledge of the students, and also make the objectives clear for them.
b) Source: Flashcards.
c) Precursor: Skinner.

a)Teacher's role: Attention-getter, organizer, connector and repeater so the learner can store the information in memory for later recall.
b)Source: Diagrams ( Mind map).
c)Precursor: Vigotsky.


a)Teacher's role: Model, guide and facilitator.
b)Source: Projects, presentations.
c)Precursors: Vigotsky, J.Piaget, J.Bruner and J.Dewey

Comment: This video shows what a real teacher must do in a classroom, using the resources as posible to fullfil the student knowledge, nevertheless this material could be only used as a reference and not practicing all the time in classrooms, because the whole time teachers must be innovating and preparing new material with new methodologies for a better understanding.

Franco Valdés S.

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